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Sentinel Tribune – Bowling Green, Ohio

Relying on EPA not enough in Nexus fight; local law must be changed

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

To the Editor:

I’m writing in response to the Aug. 8 article about the mayor’s communications with Ohio EPA.

We cannot afford to rely on an oil and gas captured agency like Ohio EPA to save our water from Nexus pipeline.

They have set an enticing trap that would waylay us from taking real measures, like changing local law by passing the BG Charter Amendment, to stop Nexus.

If we fall for their bait, then the joke will be on us and it will be too late to do anything else to stop the harm.

Certainly Ohio EPA won’t come right out in a letter and tell the mayor of Bowling Green that they can’t help city residents or BGSU faculty, staff, students, and parents because that would make them look very bad indeed. In fact it would blow their cover as protectors of our environment. Just imagine what would happen if people started noticing that OEPA is protecting the interests of oil and gas from regular people like us who just want safe water to drink.


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